Bílovec: Opening museum suitcases

In October, the museum Bílovec start running project briefcases Museum, which is part of the educational program of the National Museum of revealing titled Touch of the 20th century. It is an event aimed at promoting the teaching Czechoslovak and Czech history of the last century in elementary and secondary schools.
"Within the museum suitcases cooperate with both the National Museum and the bíloveckými basic and high schools," says museum director Eva Ševčíková. "Within this educational project with our students head to the revolutionary years of our history and will work with replicas of collection items inserted five suitcases approaching the dramatic summer of 1918, 1938, 1948, 1968, 1989. Through exhibits, authentic documents of the past and the stories we want pupils and students bring significant moments in our history. To the atmosphere of these watershed moments quite normal as possible and able to imagine Life in a given period of time, we will work with the interactive program, period costumes, or even play Fortunes and careers, "says Eva Ševčíková that personal relationship to the past to help young people develop educational and methodological materials that represent specific human stories. The museum project cases will continue until June next year, each of the five suitcases will be devoted to two months.

But certainly will not be the only activity bíloveckého museum. 16 October, visitors can see an exhibition of graphic works of the Czech academic Graphics Burant Francis (1924-2001), who in addition to graphics famous primarily for its glass production and marginally illustrations. "And we are also planning a concert trio Chorodia Agiu Georgia, October 27, at which land museum will Byzantine hymns and traditional Greek songs. Furthermore, you will hear also the Orthodox hymns and unique polyphonic singing severořecké area Ipiros, "invites Eva Ševčíková to the museum, in the cellar, children and adults can meet the elves Picmochy involved in the project Fairy Odra." In this project, children can visit ten places where there are similar elves. In every place they can fill out a worksheet that is processed in two versions, for preschool children and pupils of primary school. In completing the worksheet children receive a sticker in the passport, the so-called Vandrbuchu. A five Stickers will be rewarded with interesting prizes, "says director of the museum.